US$ Amerikaanse dollar
US$ Amerikaanse dollar€ Euro£ Britse pondAED V.A.E. dirhamARS Argentijnse pesoAU$ Australische dollarBGN Bulgaarse levR$ Braziliaanse realCA$ Canadese dollarCHF Zwitserse frankCLP Chileense pesoCN¥ Chinese yuanCOP Colombiaanse pesoCZK Tsjechische kroonDKK Deense kroonEGP Egyptische pondHK$ Hongkongse dollarHUF Hongaarse forintIDR Indonesische roepia₪ Israelische nieuwe shekelINR Indiase roepieJP¥ Japanse yen₩ Koreaanse wonMX$ Mexicaanse pesoMYR Maleisische ringgitNOK Noorse kroonNZ$ Nieuw-Zeelandse dollarPLN Poolse zlotyRON Roemeense nieuwe leuRUB Russische roebelSAR Saudi Arabische riyalSEK Zweedse kroonSGD Singaporese dollar฿ Thaise bahtTRY Turkse liraNT$ Taiwanese dollarUAH Oekraïense hryvnia₫ Vietnamese DongZAR Zuid-Afrikaanse rand
Roberto Popolizio
Roberto is a senior editor at Safety Detectives.
With over 13 years of experience in managing digital publications, Roberto has coordinated over 5000 interviews with the biggest names in cybersecurity, AI, cloud technology, and SaaS. Using his knack for communications and a growing network of cybersecurity leaders, he provides newbies and experts alike with beyond-the-fluff online privacy tips, and insider perspectives on the ever-evolving tech world.
Before joining SafetyDetectives, he has been a content advisor for brands like eBay, SkatePro, Trendhim, and several affiliate marketing websites. He also runs a small portfolio of directory websites and a newsletter for C-level executives in cybersecurity and cloud technology.